September 28, 2013


Saturday, September 28, 2013



(Washington, DC) U.S. Rep. Tony Cárdenas (D-San Fernando Valley), a member of the House Committee on the Budget, today released a statement in advance of the looming Republican government shutdown caused by obstruction in funding the federal government:

“I helped write the budget for California, as chair of our budget committee, providing a framework for the second biggest economy in our nation. I understand what it takes to come together, to pay for what our people and our economy depend on. After serving in this House for only ten months, I wonder whether most people here have the same understanding.

The thought of paying for our government a few weeks at a time makes me want to lose my lunch. It sickens me and it should sicken families, educators, small businesses and anyone else trying to live their lives in our country. Our government should be a role model for the way a democracy should be run; we should provide certainty for the people and businesses in our country and countries that trade with us.

Instead, the majority party, who runs our House, takes our economy out for a joyride, bouncing from fake controversy to unnecessary economic destruction.

I call on all members of Congress, in both houses, to look at our nation. Look at the fragile economic recovery. Look at the people who sent us here. Look them in the eye and tell them that we will make sure our country will pay its bills and that we will fund the programs that businesses and Americans depend on.

That is our job. The people who elected us deserve better. We must show them we put the success of our great nation before party politics.”