Community Project Funding

To view and download the full Community Project Funding (CPF) Memo, please click here.

Community Project Funding (CPF) is an initiative that started in fiscal year 2022 (FY22) to allow Members of Congress to request direct funding for projects that benefit the communities they represent. Building on the success of the CPF items in FY22, FY23 and FY24, Members may submit up to 15 CPF requests, along with the standard programmatic and language-based requests, for the FY25 cycle.

You can find my CPF Requests for FY22 here.

You can find my CPF Requests for FY23 here.

You can find my CPF Requests for FY24 here.

You can find my CPF Requests for FY25 here.

Please note that the limited number of 15 CPF requests and the timeframe to accept submissions are due to external guidelines and deadlines set by the House Appropriations Committee. Applying does not guarantee selection into the 15 submissions of the Member or funding from the Appropriations Committee. The deadline for submissions is SUNDAY, APRIL 28 AT 9PM PST Please email if you have any concerns about your ability to submit. 

If your request is selected, you may be asked to submit additional information. The process is extremely limited. Each request must meet several specific criteria, be vetted, and will have the information publicly posted. If you require any additional assistance, please email