May 28, 2021

Cárdenas, Lee Introduce Legislation to Make Solar Energy More Affordable for Low-Income Families

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, Congressman Tony Cárdenas (CA-29) and Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-13) re-introduced the Affordable Solar Energy for Our Communities Act. The legislation establishes a $200 million grant program to finance the planning and construction of solar installations for low-income families.  

“All Americans, regardless of zip code, deserve access to cost-saving solutions that will help us fight the climate crisis,” said Congressman Cárdenas. “As our nation continues to invest in clean energy technology, we need to ensure these opportunities are accessible to those who may benefit from them most. Our legislation will make it easier for low-income families to go solar while cutting their energy bills and reducing their carbon footprint.” 

“The climate crisis is here. We must take action to make clean energy technology affordable and accessible for all,” said Congresswoman Lee. “We must end barriers that prevent low-income families from taking advantage of solar energy, which is not only a sustainable option, but can help reduce electricity bills for those who need it most. I’m proud to join Congressman Tony Cárdenas in reintroducing The Affordable Solar Energy for Our Communities Act – an important step in helping underserved communities lower the cost of energy and protect the environment by reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.”  

“Expanding clean energy access in underserved communities is critical to a 100% clean and equitable clean energy transition. Community solar makes our neighborhoods healthier and more resilient, all while reducing monthly bills for struggling families and creating good paying jobs," said Odette Mucha, Federal Liaison for Vote Solar.  "Rep. Cardenas' Affordable Solar Energy for Our Communities Act of 2021 will bring solar to underserved communities across the country, simultaneously addressing climate change, reducing energy poverty, and creating a pathway to a more just society. We look forward to working with Rep. Cardenas to advance this bill and deliver cost savings, good jobs and cleaner air to the communities that need it the most.”

"Access to clean, affordable energy is a challenge for millions of households across the country," said Yesenia Rivera, Director of Energy Equity and Inclusion Solar United Neighbors. "Rep. Cárdenas' bill is an important step to broadening community solar access to low and moderate-income families who suffer from the highest energy burdens." 

“I support this bill because Solar Energy means no emissions, better jobs, and an unlimited source of power. Opponents are more invested in today’s financial gains rather than investing in the long game of clean energy. Fossil fuel keeps polluting our communities, and they are holding innovation back. I’m tired of ceding our future to other nations that are investing in tomorrow’s power, while we remain at the mercy of foreign oil markets and hackers that can shut down our oil pipelines," said Jesse Garcia at LULAC District of Columbia. 

The Affordable Solar Energy for Our Communities Act establishes a $200,000,000 grant program each year at the Department of Energy through FY 2022-2026. Eligible entities of the grant program include but are not limited to low-income homeowners and non-profits that serve low-income households or multi-family affordable housing complexes. The legislation also promotes solar workforce training and development. 

Solar energy is becoming an increasingly economical energy source for American households. However, many low-income families who would benefit the most from reducing their electricity bills are not taking advantage of this affordable, sustainable energy source because of a combined lack of access to financing options and living under a roof that cannot support a solar panel. One report by George Washington University released in 2017 estimated that households making less than $40,000 account for just 5 percent of all solar installations. 

The Affordable Solar Energy for Our Communities Act passed the House in the 116th Congress with the CLEAN Future Act and the LIFT America Act. 
