May 13, 2021

Cárdenas, Sherman Announce $196 Million for CSUN, San Fernando Valley Community Colleges

Biden-Harris Administration releases American Rescue Plan funding for local institutions

SAN FERNANDO VALLEY — Today, Congressmen Tony Cárdenas (CA-29) and Brad Sherman (CA-30) announced more than $196 million in emergency funding for colleges and universities in the San Fernando Valley under the American Rescue Plan. The funding will help local institutions cope with the severe financial fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic and continue serving their students safely. At least half of the funding each institution receives will be distributed in emergency cash assistance grants to students facing hunger, homelessness and other hardship.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed and exacerbated the many challenges students in the San Fernando Valley are facing,” said Congressman Cárdenas. “With so many institutions and students suffering, the need for direct relief has never been more important. These funds will provide struggling students with the urgent assistance needed to help them achieve their goals and complete their education. This is a prime example of how our American Rescue Plan is making a real difference in the San Fernando Valley.” 

“These funds will provide direct relief to students in the San Fernando Valley, helping them to continue their education and to graduate on time,” said Congressman Sherman. “The COVID-19 pandemic has had a disproportionate impact among Valley students and this emergency relief is rightly directed to those students who need it most.” 

The American Rescue Plan provides $36 billion for nearly 3,500 public and private, nonprofit colleges and universities nationwide. 

The colleges and universities in the San Fernando Valley receiving funding under the American Rescue Plan are:

  • California State University, Northridge (CSUN): $129,280,593
  • Los Angeles Pierce College: $29,643,969
  • Los Angeles Valley College: $24,876,025
  • Los Angeles Mission College: $12,315,025

Students should contact their institutions for more information about how they can apply for an emergency grant.

The American Rescue Plan also includes nearly $3 billion in additional funding – which will be distributed at a later date – for Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), other Minority-Serving Institutions and other under-resourced institutions.

To read more about emergency education funding under the American Rescue Plan, click here.
