June 12, 2016

Rep. Cárdenas Issues Statement on Pulse Nightclub Shooting

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Tony Cárdenas (CA-29) today issued the following statement on the mass shooting at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Fla.

“This month, we celebrate PRIDE. But today we are in mourning.

“This weekend was a weekend to celebrate PRIDE in Los Angeles and our nation’s capital. It was a time to stand by our friends and loved ones of the LGBT community and celebrate with them all that is great about life. Now, because of the hateful discretion of a man in Orlando who was armed with an assault rifle and other weapons, this night will engrave on our hearts a tragic memory of the many beautiful lives we lost.                                                                                        

“That our nation is witnessing new levels of blatant hatred and acts of violence, especially towards members of the LGBT community, as well other minority groups, should make all Americans tremble. Every time something like this happens, our constitution and the freedom of all are threatened. Unfortunately, this will not be the last time. 

“Why would the average person need an assault-type rifle? What's worse, why would we as a country continue to allow just anyone to have one? This is not the first time someone has been able to kill multiple people in a short time all because the person had the kind of gun that was built for military or war. And that's exactly what this man did last night - he waged war on the LGBT community. And we as a nation let him. 

“There are people who want you to fear. They want you to lose sleep at night. They want you to surrender your peace. They want you to hate. I am asking you to not give into them. Not for one second. 

“Those of us who love this country and welcome the differences of others; those of us who live our lives peacefully and work to make this nation a better place – WE are stronger than any act of hate will ever be.  That is why now is the time for us to demand that something change. We can correct course from last night. We can combat the ignorance that pervades the minds of the elected Congressmen and women who don't believe this nation has a gun issue. We can overcome the heartache that targeted acts of violence and hate crimes bring to our communities.

“Congress must address these issues head-on and find a better solution now.”

For more information about our press releases, please contact Jacqueline Ortiz Ramsay at (202) 615-5007.